Rachel Wade
Rachel Wade

I’m seriously concerned about the impact of these proposals on the least well off and the less mobile. I cannot cycle – as a regular bus user I know the buses need drastic improvement. As a GMB rep, I voted on behalf of my members to raise our concerns about the congestion charge’s impact across our city.

As a mother of two children to ferry around after a long day at school for them and work for me, and as a carer to an elderly parent trying to catch the bus to Addenbrookes as well as a mentor to those with neurodiverse issues who find engaging with the world difficult, I understand and have lived experience.

We need to get public transport right for everyone. Public trust in politics is low and scepticism is rife, people are exhausted from the pandemic and have little patience with centralised edicts, which don’t seem to value the opinions of ordinary Cambridge residents.

Democracy means compromise – we hear what people don’t want, and we must now work together to find a system that’s equitable for everyone and which rebuilds trust in our transport system. People need to see the GCP listening, and need to see the buses running well, whereas at the moment many feel pushed to the edges and excluded.

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