Councillors and Labour members holding Labour banners in a local park
Councillors and Labour members holding Labour banners in a local park

Cambridge Labour Launch 2024 City Council Manifesto

Cambridge Labour are delighted to introduce their 2024 Cambridge City Council Labour Manifesto. It’s a plan for Cambridge based around five key pledges:

    • Protecting and enhancing local services
    • Supporting residents in need and preventing homelessness
    • Tackling the climate and biodiversity emergencies
    • Building council homes and investing in community spaces
    • Being a strong voice for the people of Cambridge


Councillor Mike Davey, Leader of the Council stated:

Cambridge Labour is all about serving and delivering for you. We are honoured to have been granted stewardship of this wonderful city and we aspire to be ambitious, compassionate and forward-thinking in our leadership.

Our manifesto builds on our record in power – a record of delivery, and not just words. At a time when local councils are facing unprecedented financial strain, we understand the importance of budget responsibility so we can protect and invest in our essential services.

We are building record numbers of new council homes to high environmental standards, we are collecting bins efficiently and consistently, we are improving our play areas and green spaces, and working hard with our partners to make our city a safer place. This is work we can guarantee we will continue delivering as a Labour administration.

Cambridge is an ever-changing place and a city which will undeniably continue to play a part in the prosperity of the region and the country in the future. With increasing interest in Cambridge, we must robustly challenge how Cambridge’s success will be shared by all residents and how any development will be managed sustainably in the face of acute water scarcity. We understand these challenges and are well placed to tackle them.

Labour has a vision for a beautiful, sustainable and thriving city and we are fully committed to working tirelessly for Cambridge in the years ahead. It’s only by voting Labour on May 2nd that you can guarantee that the fantastic work we’ve been doing can continue. Thank you for your support.


Cambridge Labour is also thrilled to support our Labour candidate for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Police and Crime Commissioner, Anna Smith. She added:

Across our region the percentage of victim-based crimes leading to charge or summons has fallen to just 6%. 1 in 3 calls to 101 ring off before getting through. And only 7 in 10 999 calls are answered on time. It’s time for a fresh start for policing.

As Deputy Mayor of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, and a former city council leader here in Cambridge, I know what it takes to lead. And I’ve seen for myself the huge difference a Labour PCC can make. Visible neighbourhood policing, joined-up work to prevent and cut crime, and a focus of ending the culture of violence.

We need a commissioner who will work tirelessly to be a voice of the community, and who will fight for the resources our police service desperately needs. Labour is best-placed to take on the Tories in this election. I’m ready to lead and ready to serve.

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