Cllr Baigent
Cllr Baigent

We are terribly sad to hear that Councillor Sarah Baigent will be standing down from her role as Cllr for Castle Ward due to personal reasons.

Sarah has been a local councillor since 2021, and has shown her dedicated care for all residents across the city. She has spoken out about injustices within the housing system, vocally supported survivors of domestic abuse, and worked hard to build community across the ward. She will be sorely missed for her thoughtful and kind approach.

Cllr Anna Smith, Leader of the Labour group has paid tribute to Cllr Baigent’s hard work, stating:

“Cllr Baigent has made a huge impact during her time as a ward councillor. She’s been driven and hard working, not only for residents in her ward but also dedicating time and energy to broader work for the council. She’s been a powerful voice campaigning against homelessness, particularly raising awareness about homeless women’s experiences, and fighting for a city where everyone has a safe and warm roof over their head. She’s been an inspiration to many of us in the Labour Group, and we will all miss her. We wish her well and look forward to seeing her future successes.”

Fellow ward Councillor, Cllr Simon Smith also expressed his thanks to Cllr Baigent:

“I’d like to thank Sarah from the bottom of my heart for her tireless efforts to make Cambridge and Castle Ward a better place for all our residents. It has been wonderful to work together, and I’ve learnt so much from Sarah over the past two years, she will be sorely missed.”

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